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Cookie Policy

Cookies are files containing small amounts of information, which are downloaded to your computer or mobile device as you browse on almost any website. They are useful in such way that website is able to remember your past visit, and preference settings so they are available next time you visit the website. Cookies use to keep technical information, preference settings, content customization, use stats, links to social networks, Access to user accounts, etc. The cookies main goal is to adapt the web content to the user’s profile and needs. Without cookies, services offered on any website would be considerably diminished. If you with to consult more information about what cookies are, what information they store, how to delete and unable them, etc. we encourage you to click on this link. .

Cookies utilizadas en este sitio web

Following general indications of the Spanish Agency on Data Protectio, we proceed to detail the use of cookies that this website uses, seeking to inform users in the most exact posible way.

This website uses the following own cookies:

  • Session cookies are used in order to ensure that users posting comments on the blog are humans and not bots. This way spam is avoided.

This website uses the following third parties cookies:

  • Google Analytics: Stores cookies in order to build this website traffic and visits statistics. When using this website, you agree the treatment of the information about you by Google. Therefore, the exercise of any rights regarding the use of your personal information will have to be communicated directly to Google.
  • Social Networks: Every social network use their own cookies so users can click on buttons such “Like” or “Share”.

Disabling or removing cookies

At any time you Will be able to disable or removing cookies from this website. These actions are made differently depending on the web browser used. Here you can find a guide for the most popular web browsers.

Additional notes

  • Nor this website nor its legal representatives are responsible for the content or the truth of the private policies that may have the aforementioned third parties in this cookie policy.
  •  Web browsers are tools in charge of storing cookies and from them is that you have to appeal your right to eliminate or disable the cookies. Nor this website, nor its owners can guarantee the right or wrong use of cookies by such web browsers, and it is through the web browsers that you have to act for your right of disable or eliminating cookies.
  •  In some cases it is necessary to install cookies so that the web browser doesn’t forget your decision of not to accept the cookies.
  • Regarding Google Analytics cookies, this company store cookies in servers located in the USA, and it agrees to not to share the information with third parties, except for the cases in which it is necessary for the performance of the systems or when the Law establishes to do it so. According to Google, it doesn’t keep your IP address. Google Inc. Is a company that signed The Safe Harbour Privacy Principles which guarantees that all transferred data Will be treated with a level of protection meeting the European law. You can consult detailed information regarding this question in this link. If you need information about how Google uses their cookies, follow this other link.
  • For any other doubt or question about this cookie policy, please, get in touch with us through the contact section.


Este sitio web utiliza cookies para que usted tenga la mejor experiencia de usuario. Si continúa navegando está dando su consentimiento para la aceptación de las mencionadas cookies y la aceptación de nuestra política de cookies, pinche el enlace para mayor información.

Aviso de cookies