Who is the person in charge of personal data treatment?

-VAT#: G78383528
-Address: CL GRAN VÍA 57 10ºG P5 28013 MADRID
-Phone Number: 915212504

With which purpose we will treat your personal data? 

At ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE PAISAJISTAS we Will use your personal data for:
-Managing the business relationship that you have subscribed and signed with us.
-Sending commercial communications.
-Preparing Budget according to your needs.
-Managing communications via email with the interested public.

For how long will we keep your personal data?

Personal data that you Will provide us will be stored while the business relationship is valid. Also, although the relationship between the parts is ended, ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE PAISAJISTAS will keep your personal data in order to send newsletters regarding our products and services. At any point you will always be able to exercise the rights granted by the current law, by contacting us in the easiest possible way for you.

However, we inform you that periodically we will revise our systems and proceed to erase all data not necessary legally.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

According to the goals of data gathering, the treatment of personal data is necessary for:

1.Manage the Business relationship agreed and signed with us.

a.Execution of a contract (enabled by article 6.1.b RGPD)
b.Consent of the interested party (enabled by article 6.1.a RGPD)

2.Shipping of commercial communications

a.Consent of the interested party (authorized by article 6.1.a RGPD)
b.Consent of the interested party (authorized by article 20 LSSICE)
c.Legitimate interest (enabled by article 6.1.f RGPD)

3.Preparing a budget adjusted to your needs.

a.Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a RGPD)

4.Manage communications by email with interested parties.

a.Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a RGPD)

Likewise, all the data collected is necessary for the provision of the service. However, those data that are marked with an asterisk (*) will be optional. In the event that the obligatory data were not provided, ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE PAISAJISTAS will not be able to provide the contracted service.

What rights do I have in terms of data protection?

You can exercise any of the following rights by communicating it to the postal address CL GRAN VÍA 57 10ºG P5 28013 MADRID or to the electronic address indicated in the header (AEP@AEPAISAJISTAS.ORG). In any case, according to current regulations, it has been recognized as:

  • Right to request for Access your own personal data.
  • Right to request its correction or cancellation.
  • Right to request a limited treatment.
  • Right to opposition to its treatment.
  • Right to portability.

What are your rights when you give us your personal data?

Any citizen has the right to obtain confirmation about whether ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE PAISAJISTAS is treating data concerning your person or not.

Interested individuals will be able to access to their personal data, change them or ask for cancellation when, among other reasons, the personal data is no longer necessary for the aim they were obtained.

You can also inform us that you prefer the limitation of the processing of your data in which case it will only be treated for the exercise or defence of claims .

Furthermore, at any time you can revoke your consent about the data managed by yourself.

Additionally, you can file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD). More information in Section VII of this document.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?

Your personal data won´t be transferred or communicated to third parties. Also, we inform you that your personal information won’t be internationally transferred to any third country.

How do we have obtained your data?

Personal data used by ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE PAISAJISTAS comes straight from the interested person.

What categories of personal data we deal with?

Different categories of personal data that we deal with:

-Identification data

  • Name
  • Family Name
  • ID number / Passport Number or equivalent
  • Postal addresses •Electronic addresses
  • Sex
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth

-Commercial information

-Financial Data

  • Bank Account Number
  • Credit Card Number

-Curriculum vitae

  • Academic information
  • Academic degrees
  • Hobbies
  • Clubs or associations membership

ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE PAISAJISTAS doesn´t treat or use specially protected personal data.


From ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE PAISAJISTAS we make the greatest effort to meet the personal data protection laws, that is the most valuable asset for us. Nevertheless, we inform you that in case you consider that your rights have been undermined, you can present a complaint to the Spanish Agency of Data protection, at the following address: C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid. More information about AEPD. http://www.agpd.es/

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